Next to public speaking, change, or the fear of uncertainty, is certainly one of the most daunting, and if you research, it sits right up there with the fear of failure (but if you are honest, doesn't that fit in there with change and uncertainty?), then comes heights, flying, snakes, the dentist, and insects (I suppose for those who don't possess a shoe or fly swatter), but those are for another conversation.
When you finally become sick and tired of being sick and tired, change is exactly what becomes the order.
When that change involves faith, I have heard it referred to, and have adapted the term which coins it as "our walk".
Let me tell you what I have learned about change in my walk.
Change is hard. When your path in which your walk takes place narrows, some of the people who were always prevalent in your life will leave, and you will meet some new ones. The ones who leave many times will do so and begin to say "he's not sincere" or "I find it hard to believe he or she wrote that, or believes that, or isn't doing that for some personal gain". I've seen and heard all of this about myself personally.
The new people who come into your life, many are simply waiting for the new you in your new walk to backslide or fail. I've seen this as well.
Many times, these two types of people hinder those who truly seek a change, and harm the courage such change takes. Let these two types come and go as ships in the night. The amateur critic holds no favor in your life, and was never there for the betterment of your life to begin with.
Let. Them. Go.
Change is hard, but not impossible.
If you know me, you know I'm a fan of sincerity. BE WHO YOU CLAIM TO BE. Those two types I just described, aren't.
Next, and here's a tough one, surround yourself with those who have been through the changes you seek, yet endeavor to encourage, not criticize. God is love, constant criticism is man made.
I believe that when God sees you have the courage to step out and do what's right, to make a fervent attempt to live in excellence and put Him first, that He will open new doors to better and more wonderful people in your life, as well as more meaningful life experiences.
Be encouraged. Be faithful. Be curious, not judgmental.
And remember, if you'll seek Him, "God don't care who you were, Son. Just who you are".
I wish all of you a wonderful Sunday. I hope you spend it with those you love doing what you love, and I hope you make sure to take time for Jesus. He's never once let me down.