Happy New Year!
What will your new year bring? Will you make any resolutions? Is the new year going to bring a new you, or are you like many, content with the same thing you've always received?
Yes, received.
You see, if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got.
Much like the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting different results, is a waste of time, and it will, in fact, drive you out of your mind.
This year for me, started like any other, but later in the year I was presented with a fork in the road, like we all are.
At this fork, one I'd seen at least 3 times before in my life, I stood looking for a long enough period of time, that I knew I didn't want to spin my wheels, and be right back standing in the same place in a year or two.
I PROMISED myself I would never again.
Therein the question lies- what next?
I knew fat, drunk, and unhappy was a road I didn't want to travel anymore, so I asked a friend who's a minister.
My reply?
"Faith breaks the cycle of failure".
It's true.
I heard the same in a sermon on Galatians 3 just this past Sunday.
Thats where my new walk began, and a new life, and outlook on life, as well as a peace and happiness I didn't know existed.
So, while I'm not a preacher, I can give you the recommendation that has helped me.
When you make the resolutions this year, start with your relationship with the Lord. If you start there, it gives the diet, gym, and other resolutions a fighting chance, as well as your soul and the rest of your life.
Remember this- even before my path began to narrow, Jesus never once let me down. He won't let you down either.
I wish you all a safe, happy, and prosperous New Year, and please, if you're going to celebrate, remember a designated driver or Uber.
The life you save may be yours.
Thank you all for enriching my life,