Welcome to the first blog! If I've learned nothing, let me tell you, all of the aggravation with media can be hectic! As I sit here, I'm in a Buffalo Wild Wings, not for the wings, not to watch a game, not for the lukewarm beer, oh no. I have 3 computers going, 3 phones, and two IT experts helping me do what I "should have done" when I started. It's pretty funny how you think you are climbing the ranks of social media, just to find you are a post turtle.
What's a post turtle? Well, lets say you are riding fence in a pasture, and come upon a turtle sitting on a post. You should automatically know a few things-
The turtle has no business on that post.
He didn't get there on his own.
He has ascended to a position at a height not in his realm of personal possibility.
There's a good chance the way down will be a lot more perilous than the way up was.
In all honesty, this was nothing more than a little cute writing to experience the first of hopefully many to communicate with those of you who play along, and maybe we will just take it and run with it, rather than fall off the post!
I want to wish you all a ver Happy New Year, and thank you for interacting with me on my social media!
Christmas has come and gone,now we await a new president to run this country in a manner of unity. "Building's a fence by yourself is very difficult to keep a straight line, by asking for help point A to point B becomes achievable without any redoes"
Always worst things to be than a post turtle 😂